The Avvar are a rugged human people who make their
homes in the Frostback Mountains. In centuries past they
were one of the many barbarian tribes that lived in and
around the Fereldan region. When the Alamarri clans united
400 years ago under the first king of Ferelden, the Avvar
refused to join them. The Avvar were too independent, too
proud, and too stubborn to pay homage to any king. Their
continued raiding into the lowlands led to many long and
bitter wars, but ultimately they could not stand up to the
united forces of Ferelden. The Avvar were driven back into
their mountain homes, but no commander dared to fight
them on their home ground. Since then there has been an
uneasy peace with Ferelden.
Today the Avvar are largely isolated in the Frostbacks. They do
trade with the dwarves and some Avvar descend to the lowlands
to work as mercenaries or adventurers. Most people in Ferelden
consider them uncivilized barbarians, while the Avvar think
their old foes weak and corrupt. It is thus no great surprise that
there are still sporadic raids from the Frostbacks, but the Avvar
have learned to strike quickly and retreat to their holds before
they are counterattacked.
Playing an Avvar
If you choose to play an Avvarr, modify your character
as follows:
- Add 1 to your Strength ability. Avvar must be strong to
survive the mountain life. - Pick one of the following ability focuses:
Communication (Animal Handling) or Strength
(Climbing). - You can speak the Trade Tongue.
- Choose a class. You can play either a warrior or a rogue.
Additional Benefits
Roll twice on the Avvar table for additional benefits.
Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same
result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
2d6 Roll | Benefit |
2 | +1 Dexterity |
3-4 | Focus: Communication (Gambling) |
5 | Focus: Constitution (Swimming) |
6 | Focus: Strength (Intimidation) |
7-8 | +1 Communication |
9 | Focus: Strength (Might) |
10-11 | Focus: Constitution (Stamina) |
12 | +1 Constitution |
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