Chasind Wilder
The Chasind are a barbarian folk that live to the south of
Ferelden in the Korcari Wilds. While they did unite on several
occasions with the Avvar and the Alamarri to fight against the
Tevinter Imperium, Fereldans have stronger memories of the
many times the Chasind surged north into their land. It is said
that ages ago the Chasind conquered the Alamarri, the ancestors
of the modern-day Fereldans, until the latter rose up in
rebellion. Later the legendary witch Flemeth led an army of
Chasind into Ferelden to take vengeance on the bann who
had been her husband. While Flemeth is said to have been
killed at that time, many claim that she and her daughters
(the Witches of the Wild) lived amongst the Chasind well into
the Dragon Age).
Today the Chasind are a more peaceful folk but there are
many superstitions regarding them. They live in houses build
on stilts and do some trading with Fereldans living in the
south. Some Fereldans still consider the Chasind a threat and
fear the day a charismatic figure will unite them once again.
Playing a Chasind Wilder
If you choose to play a Chasind wilder modify your character
as follows:
- Add 1 to your Dexterity ability. The Chasind move like
ghosts in the wilds. - Pick one of the following ability focuses: Dexterity
(Stealth) or Strength (Climbing). - You can speak the Trade Tongue.
- Choose a class. You can play a rogue or a warrior.
Additional Benefits
Roll twice on the Chasind wilder table for additional benefits.
Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same
result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
2d6 Roll | Benefit |
2 | +1 Cunning |
3-4 | Focus: Cunning (Natural Lore) |
5 | Focus: Perception (Tracking) |
6 | Focus: Dexterity (Traps) |
7-8 | +1 Constitution |
9 | Focus: Dexterity (Brawling) |
10-11 | Focus: Strength (Jumping) |
12 | +1 Strength |
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