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Background: Apostate


    In those nations outside the Tevinter Imperium (including
    Ferelden) during much of the history of Thedas, only the
    members of the Circle of Magi may legally practice magic.
    Those who defy the law are known as apostates. The Circle
    of Magi is supposed to find humans and elves with magical
    power and train them before they endanger themselves and
    others. All those who practice magic risk demonic possession and could turn into abominations, and there is always the risk that any mage might turn to the same forbidden arts practiced by the magisters of the Tevinter Imperium, dangerous blood magic that relies on ritual sacrifice and subverts the minds of other men. This is why there are Chantry templars in every Circle tower, and why templars hunt down apostates.

    While the law treats all apostates the same way, the category
    is a broad one. Some are self-taught mages who discovered
    how to use magic by trial and error. Some come from magical
    traditions that pre-date the formation of the Circle of Magi, like
    hedge mages and Avvar shamans. Others are rebels, opposed
    to the Circle of Magi, the Chantry, or both. They resent the law
    and choose to go their own way despite the risks.

    If you choose to play an apostate, your character will have
    a disadvantage that those of other backgrounds do not.
    Namely, your character’s powers must be used carefully lest
    they draw unwanted attention from the Circle of Magi or the
    Chantry templars. The upside is that this conflict can lead to
    some great stories, but you should understand that your character
    will face challenges others do not.

    Playing an Apostate

    If you choose to play an apostate, modify your character
    as follows:

    • Add 1 to your Willpower ability. An apostate needs
      strength of will to fend off possession.
    • Pick one of the following ability focuses: Cunning
      (Natural Lore) or Willpower (Self-Discipline).
    • Choose whether your character is a human or an elf.
    • You can speak and read the Trade Tongue.
    • Take the mage class.

    Additional Benefits

    Roll twice on the Apostate table that matches your chosen
    race (elf or human) for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add
    the results together. If you get the same result twice, re-roll
    until you get something different.

    Elf Apostate

    Human Apostate

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