There is magic in all living things, but only a rare few beings can manipulate it. The mage class represents these users of magic. They have been gifted (or cursed, depending on your point of view) with the ability to absorb mana, the life force of living beings, and use it cast magical spells. This sets them apart from normal people. In some times and places, mages have been honored for their power and wisdom. In others they have been feared and hunted, especially once the dangers of demonic possession were understood. Blood magic, as practiced by the mages of Tevinter and the maleficarum, has also made mages widely feared.
The mage class represents users of magic in Thedas, most commonly from the Circle of Magi but sometimes the renegade apostates or other sources. A mage is capable of amazing feats, but must be wary of demonic attack when using powerful magic. The very gift that allows mages to use magic also makes them vulnerable to possession.
As a mage you will be a master of arcane powers. You should stay away from melee combat (let warriors handle that) and use your spells to help your allies and harm your enemies. Mages generally don’t wear armor, so your Defense will be low. You also have limited access to weaponry. Your access to spells makes up for these limitations, though. You get access to many different spells; a mage who masters their use is a powerful character.
While mages only start with three spells, they gain more over time. These ever-increasing options require more decision making than other classes during encounters. If you’ve never played an RPG before, you might want to consider that before choosing this class. Whatever your experience, you’ll want to read Chapter 5: Magic to learn more about the rules and terms used in spell casting.
Like Warriors and Rogues, Mages gain Specializations as they level up, allowing them to focus and increase their powers when dealing with certain situations, elements, or types of magic. There are multiple specializations for mages, including Force Mage and Shapeshifter. Specializations are detailed later.
Class Vitals
Primary Abilities: Cunning, Magic, and Willpower.
Secondary Abilities: Communication, Constitution, Dexterity, Perception, and Strength.
Starting Health: 20 + Constitution + 1d6.
Weapon Groups: Brawling and Staves.
Class Powers
Mages gain the following powers at the specified level.
Level 1
Arcane Lance: Mages learn to focus magical power through a staff. If you are holding a quarterstaff, you can make a special ranged attack that damages foes with a lance of magical energy. This is resolved like a normal ranged attack (so stunts are possible), but the attack roll is a Magic (Arcane Lance) test. An Arcane Lance has a range of 16 yards and inflicts 1d6 + Magic damage. It requires no mana points to make this attack.
Magic Training: This is the most important of the mage’s powers. It allows a mage to cast the spells that are the hallmark of the class. Magic training gives you three spells to start with, and you can gain more through talents and class powers. See Chapter 5: Magic for more information about choosing and casting spells.
Mana Points: You use mana to power your spells. You start with a number of mana points equal to 10 + Magic + 1d6 and you gain Magic + 1d6 more whenever you gain a new level. You must keep track of your current mana points; this is a measure of how much magical power is at your command at any given time. You spend mana points when you cast spells; you can regain them through rest and meditation. See Chapter 5: Magic for details.
Starting Talent: You become a Novice in one of the following talents: Chirurgy, Linguistics, or Lore. See Chapter 3: Focuses, Talents, & Specializations for more information.
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