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Class: Warrior

    The warrior is the classic fighter. You can use this class to represent any kind martial character. Your character could be an ex-soldier, a caravan guard, a mercenary, a member of a militia, or a former blacksmith turned adventurer. A warrior may fight for honor, revenge, justice, money, or a better tomorrow. Some members of the warrior class have received formal training and others fight by instinct; all can handle themselves in a fight.

    As a warrior you’ll usually find yourself in the thick of combat. You have access to heavier armor and more weapons than members of any other class, and you can dish out and take a lot of damage. It is often up to you to engage the hardest-hitting enemies, so the rogues and mages of the group have the chance to use their abilities.

    If you’ve never played a tabletop RPG before, the warrior is a good class to start with. Your powers are straightforward and you have plenty to do in any combat encounter.

    Class Vitals

    Primary Abilities: Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength

    Secondary Abilities: Communication, Cunning, Magic, Perception, and Willpower

    Starting Health: 30 + Constitution + 1d6

    Weapon Groups: Brawling, plus any three of the following: Axes, Bludgeons, Bows, Heavy Blades, Lances, Light Blades, Polearms, Spears, or Staves.

    Class Powers

    Warriors gain the following powers at the specified level.

    Level 1

    Starting Talent: You become a Novice in two of the following talents: Archery Style, Dual Weapon Style, Single Weapon Style, Throwing Weapon Style, Two-Hander Style, or Weapon and Shield Style. You also start as a Novice in Armor Training.

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