Your character has areas of natural aptitude and/or special training called talents. They provide a way to customize your character that goes beyond background and class. Choosing talents is thus an important part of developing your character.
Each talent is divided into three degrees: Novice, Journeyman, and Master. Each of these provides a game system benefit. You have to be a Novice in a talent before you can become a Journeyman, and a Journeyman before you can become a Master.
You gain new talents and new degrees through your class. You normally get a new talent or degree when you gain an odd-numbered level (3, 5, etc.). Your class also limits the talents you have access to. Each talent lists the classes it is available to; you cannot take talents that are not open to your class. Most talents also have requirements, like specific focuses or weapon groups. If you don’t have the requirement you cannot take the talent unless it’s a talent your class grants you at level 1.
When talents are listed for a character, the standard format is talent first, followed by the degree achieved in parentheses. Command (Journeyman), for example, or Music (Novice).
List of Talents
Animal Training
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: None
You know how to train animals. Fereldans commonly train dogs, while Avvar prefer falcons and other birds of prey.
Novice: You know the basics of dealing with animals. With a week of training, you can teach an animal to follow a simple one-word command like “heel,” “follow,” or “attack.” You can teach a single animal a number of commands equal to your Communication.
Journeyman: You can train animals to follow more complex commands, like “guard this place” or “return to me when strangers approach.” Teaching a complex command takes two weeks of training and the total number of commands a single animal can learn is equal to your Communication +2.
Master: Your training can turn animals into prime examples of their kind. With a month of training, you can increase an animal’s Dexterity or Strength by 1. It also gains the Willpower (Morale) focus. An animal can only receive such training once.
Armor Training
Classes: Warrior
Requirements: None
You have learned to fight while wearing armor. You only take the armor’s penalty to your Speed, while those without this talent suffer the penalty to all Dexterity-based tests and calculations (including Speed).
Novice: You can wear leather and mail armor without suffering a penalty to Dexterity.
Journeyman: You can wear plate armor without suffering a penalty to Dexterity.
Master: You can get the most out of your armor. You gain the benefit of half the Armor Rating (rounded down) of your armor when you take penetrating damage. (Normally, armor provides no defense against penetrating damage.)
Archery Style
Classes: Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must be trained in the Bows Group.
You are experienced with bows and crossbows.
Novice: Your aim is true. When you take the aim action while using a bow or crossbow, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll instead of the usual +1.
Journeyman: Due to long hours of practice, you can reload faster than common bowmen. You can reload a bow as a free action and a crossbow as a minor action.
Master: When shooting a bow or crossbow, you can perform the Lightning Attack stunt for 2 stunt points instead of the usual 3. (If you are using a crossbow you’ll also need to perform a Rapid Reload stunt to take advantage of this benefit, since you must have a loaded weapon to use Lightning Attack.)
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: Communication and Constitution 1 or higher.
You take your fun seriously.
Novice: You can drink other people under the table. When making Constitution (Drinking) tests as part of an advanced test, you gain +1 bonus to the result of each Dragon Die. This allows you to reach the success threshold faster.
Journeyman: The tavern is your second home. Choose one of the following Communication focuses: Gambling or Seduction. If you fail a Communication test with your chosen focus, you can re-roll it but you must keep the result of the second roll.
Master: When you’re having a good time, (you think) you’re invincible! Choose one of the following roleplaying stunts: Flirt or Tower of Will. You gain a +1 bonus to the opposed roll for that stunt. Thus, if you choose Tower of Will, your bonus on opposed tests is +2 instead of the usual +1.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You need the Cunning (Healing) focus.
You can treat wounds and illnesses.
Novice: You have trained in the art of chirurgy and your aid is swift and sure. Heal is a minor action for you.
Journeyman: You have the hands of a healer. When you use the heal action, your ally gets back an amount of Health equal to (Dragon Die × 2) + Cunning.
Master: Your healing ability is legendary. When you use the heal action, your ally gets back an amount of Health equal to
(Dragon Die × 3) + Cunning.
Classes: Mage, Warrior
Requirements: You need Communication 2 or higher.
You are a natural leader.
Novice: Your presence inspires your allies. If you take a major action to make a heroic gesture (raise your sword, shout a battle cry, wave a flag, etc.), your allies gain a +1 bonus to Willpower (Courage) tests for the rest of the encounter.
Journeyman: Your allies follow your lead. Any NPCs that you lead gain a +1 bonus when rolling for initiative.
Master: When you stand firm, your allies stand with you. When you lead NPCs in an encounter, they do not have to take a Willpower (Morale) test until more than two-thirds of your side’s combatants are out of the fight (dead or incapacitated). If you leave the fight or fall in battle, this benefit is lost.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have Communication 1 or higher.
You know people, sometimes in the unlikeliest places.
Novice: You can attempt to make a contact out of a NPC with a successful Communication (Persuasion) test. The GM will set the target number based on the likelihood of you knowing the NPC or having mutual friends. The more distant the NPC’s homeland or social class from yours, the more difficult the test will be. A contact will be friendly to you, but won’t go out of the way to help you without additional motivation. You can’t make a contact out of a NPC who already dislikes you or is an enemy.
Journeyman: Once you’ve established a contact, you can try to get a favor with another successful Communication (Persuasion) test. The target number is based on the nature of the favor and whether it puts the contact in any danger.
Master: You can turn an acquaintance into an ally with a show of loyalty. If you do a significant favor for a contact, they will treat you as a friend when you ask them for favors. They will go out of their way to help you and will be willing to put themselves in danger for you.
Creation Magic
Classes: Mage
Requirements: You need the Magic (Creation) focus.
You have delved into the secrets of Creation magic.
Novice: You can summon a light wisp without spending mana points. The wisp hovers near your shoulder until dismissed, illuminating a 10-yard radius around you with the brightness of a lantern. Summoning and dismissing the light wisp are free actions.
Journeyman: Your knowledge of Creation magic is deep. When you cast a Creation spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Creation spell.
Master: Creation magic flows through you, granting you a +1 bonus to Defense. You also gain one new Creation spell.
Dual-Weapon Style
Classes: Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have Dexterity 2 or higher.
You can fight with a weapon in your main hand (your primary weapon) and another in your off hand (your secondary weapon). Neither can be a two-handed weapon, and the secondary weapon is considered to have a Minimum Strength 2 higher than normal (you’d need Strength 1 to use a shortsword as a secondary weapon, for example). Unless otherwise stated, your attacks come from the primary weapon.
Novice: Wielding two weapons can aid you in attack or defense. If you take the activate action, you can gain either a +1 bonus on your melee attack rolls or a +1 Defense bonus vs. melee attacks until the end of the encounter. You can switch the bonus you are taking with another activate action.
Journeyman: You can perform two combat stunts this turn, but the second must be made with your secondary weapon.
Master: You can overwhelm opponents with blows from both weapons. If you make a melee attack with your primary weapon and you are not charging, you can make another attack with your secondary weapon as a minor action. The second attack cannot generate stunt points, and you only add half of your Strength (rounded down) to damage.
Entropy Magic
Classes: Mage
Requirements: You need the Magic (Entropy) focus.
You have delved into the secrets of Entropy magic.
Novice: You gain deathsight. When someone you can see drops to 0 Health, you can tell how many rounds it will take him to die.
Journeyman: When you cast an Entropy spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Entropy spell.
Master: Entropy magic is so strong in you that opponents making melee attacks against you suffer a –1 penalty to Strength. You also gain one new Entropy spell.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have the Dexterity (Riding) focus.
You are a skilled rider and can handle horses and other beasts of burden with ease.
Novice: You can jump into the saddle quickly. Mounting a steed is a free action for you.
Journeyman: You can ride like the wind. When you ride a mount, it gains a +2 bonus to its Speed.
Master: You were born in the saddle. You add +1 to your Defense while mounted. You may also re-roll a failed Dexterity (Riding) test, but you must keep the result of the second roll.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: Communication 2 or higher.
You are a master of secrets.
Novice: You know how to play the Game. Choose one of the following Communication focuses: Etiquette, Deception, or Seduction. If you fail a Communication test with your chosen focus, you can re-roll it but you must keep the result of the second roll.
Journeyman: You always gain more information than you give out. If you use And Another Thing as a Stunt you gain a +2 bonus on any further tests the stunt allows.
Master: You know how to end a conversation. When you perform the Stunned Silence stunt, you have the opportunity to change this immediately into a combat encounter. If you do so, you and as many allies as is on your Dragon Die can act in the first round of combat. Everyone else is surprised.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have Cunning 1 or better.
You can learn new languages easily. Some of the listed languages are spoken in lands far from Ferelden and are not commonly heard there. When you learn a new language, you learn to both speak and read it, with two exceptions. Ancient Tevene is rarely, if ever, spoken outside Tevinter. Elven is only spoken because the Keepers keep it alive.
Novice: You learn an additional language from the following
list: Ancient Tevene, Ander, Antivan, Arcanum, Dwarven, Elven, Orlesian, Qunlat, Rivaini, Trade Tongue.
Journeyman: You learn an additional language from the previous list. You can also imitate a specific dialect with a successful Communication (Performance) test.
Master: You learn two more languages from the previous list. You can also pick any one language you know and speak it like a native—that is, without an accent.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have Cunning 2 or higher.
You have an inquisitive mind and absorb facts easily.
Novice: You have studied hard. When you make a successful Cunning test with a lore focus, the GM should give you an extra piece of information on the topic. A lore focus is any Cunning focus with the word “lore” in it, such as Cultural Lore and Historical Lore. The GM determines the additional information and it may or may not be pertinent to the main question at hand.
Journeyman: You are an accomplished researcher. When making Cunning (Research) tests as part of an advanced test, you gain a +1 bonus to the result of each Dragon Die. This allows you to reach the success threshold faster. Advanced tests are detailed on page 213; ask your GM if you want to know more.
Master: While your knowledge is vast, you have two areas of particular specialization. Pick any two of your lore focuses. When making tests using those focuses, you can re-roll a failed test but you must keep the result of the second roll.
Mounted-Combat Style
Classes: Warrior
Requirements: Dexterity (Riding) focus.
You are trained cavalry, adept at fighting on horseback.
Note: Two-handed weapons and long bows cannot be used on horseback (by anyone, not just those with this talent). If you attempt it, they count as improvised weapons.
Novice: You can use the mobility of your mount to your advantage in combat. When mounted and making a move action, you can move part of your allowed distance, then use your major action to make a melee or ranged attack, and then move the rest of your allowed distance. The total distance moved cannot be more than your mount’s Speed. Normally, you’d have to finish moving before attacking.
Journeyman: Your mounted charge is fearsome. You can move at your mount’s full Speed when making a charge action and inflict +1 damage if your attack strikes home.
Master: You and your mount are one. The Knock Prone stunt cannot dismount you.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have the Communication (Performance) focus or the Cunning (Musical Lore) focus.
You have a natural talent for music.
Novice: You know how to play an instrument, sing, and write and read music.
Journeyman: Your musical journey continues as you learn to play more instruments. You know how to play a total number of instruments equal to your Communication.
Master: You are a true virtuoso. You can play all the instruments common to Thedas. If you come across a more exotic instrument, you can learn to play it with 1d6 weeks of practice.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: Perception 3 or higher.
You have an eye for detail.
Novice: You notice things others do not. Choose one of the following Perception focuses: Empathy or Seeing. If you fail a Perception test with your chosen focus, you can re-roll it but you must keep the result of the second roll.
Journeyman: Analysis of your observation often leads to insight. You gain a +1 bonus on all tests during the That Makes Me Wonder stunt.
Master: Nothing escapes your scrutiny. Performing the
Object of Your Attention exploration stunt gives you a +2 bonus
instead of the usual +1.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: Communication (Persuasion) focus.
You are a skilled public speaker who can sway others with
your words.
Novice: You know how to work a crowd. If you fail a Communication
(Persuasion) test when trying to convince a group, you can re-roll it, but you must keep the results of the second roll. You can’t take this re-roll in an intimate setting or when trying to persuade an individual.
Journeyman: Your words are like magic. Each time you
perform the Sway the Crowd roleplaying stunt, you affect
three additional people instead of one.
Master: You can agitate a crowd. If you make a successful Communication (Persuasion) test when addressing a group and the result of your Dragon Die is 5 or 6, you rouse them to immediate action. You can’t necessarily control what they do, though you can try with Communication (Leadership) tests, but they take your words to heart and act on them.
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have the Cunning (Poison Lore) focus.
You’ve managed to survive the dangerous training required to make and use poisons and other useful but dangerous compounds. See the The Art of Poisoning in Chapter 4: Weapons, Armor, & Gear for details on how to use this talent.
Novice: You know how to prepare poisons, and how to use them without danger to yourself. Choose two Novice poisons you know how to make from memory. You can brew other Novice poisons as you find and learn their recipes.
Journeyman: You have learned how to prepare more effective—and more dangerous—poisons. You have also learned how to make grenades. Choose one Journeyman poison or one grenade you know how to make from memory. You can brew other Journeyman poisons, and make other grenades, as you find and learn their recipes.
Master: You have learned how to prepare the deadliest poisons known in Thedas. Choose one Master poison you know how to make from memory. You can brew other Master poisons as you find and learn their recipes.
Pole-Weapon Style
Classes: Warrior
Requirements: Trained in the Polearms Group or the Spears Group.
Pole weapons can be cumbersome, but not in your hands. You can fight in this style with the two-handed spear or any weapon of the Polearms Group.
Novice: You can use the length of your weapon to advantage.
You treat enemies up to 4 yards away as if they were adjacent
to you, so you can make melee attacks against them (they
can’t do the same unless they also have this talent). If an ally is between you and your opponent, you can still attack. In fact, this is a common tactic.
Journeyman: Given a chance to prepare yourself, you are hard to move. You can set yourself with an activate action. Until the end of the encounter, any opponent that attempts to use the Skirmish stunt or the Novice degree of the Two-Hander Style against you must first make an opposed attack roll. If you win, your opponent fails to move you and wastes the stunt. If your opponent wins, they may perform
the Skirmish stunt(s).
Master: You get the most of your weapon’s design features. If wielding a military fork or two-handed spear, you can perform the Pierce Armor stunt with an attack bonus of +1. If wielding a glaive or halberd, you can perform the Knock Prone stunt with an attack bonus of +1. In addition, mounted combatants do not gain the +1 bonus for fighting against an opponent on foot when attacking you.
Primal Magic
Classes: Mage
Requirements: You need the Magic (Primal) focus.
You have delved into the secrets of Primal magic.
Novice: You can create a small flame in your hand without spending mana points. The flame can’t be used in combat but can set mundane items alight. It remains in your hand until dismissed. Creating and dismissing the flame are free actions.
Journeyman: Your knowledge of Primal magic is deep. When you cast a Primal spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Primal spell.
Master: You are bursting with Primal magic. When you perform the Mighty Spell stunt with a Primal spell, you can inflict the stunt’s extra damage on more than one of the spell’s targets equal to the value on your Dragon Die. You also gain one new Primal spell.
Quick Reflexes
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have Dexterity 2 or higher.
You react to threats speedily and instinctually.
Novice: You can prepare yourself for action in an instant. Once per round you can use Ready as a free action on your turn.
Journeyman: You can flip yourself up (kip up) or drop down with lightning speed. You can go prone or stand up as a free action. (These normally can only be done as part of a move action.)
Master: It is hard to get the drop on you. You may re-roll your initiative roll at the start of a combat encounter, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
Classes: Mage (Tranquil only), Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: Dwarf or Tranquil, Cunning 3 or higher and the Cunning (Enchantment) focus.
You are a trained enchanter, able to inscribe runes onto armor
and weapons.
Novice: You can inscribe a Novice rune onto a suit of armor or a weapon. A Novice rune takes 2 hours to inscribe. You can do it faster with a successful TN 13 Cunning (Enchantment) test. Each degree of success reduces the time by 15 minutes. If your Dragon Die result was 3, for example, you’d do it 45 minutes faster.
Journeyman: You can inscribe a Journeyman rune onto a suit of armor or a weapon. A Journeyman rune takes 3 hours to inscribe. You can do it faster with a successful TN 15 Cunning (Enchantment) test. Each degree of success from the Dragon Die reduces the time by 15 minutes.
Master: You can inscribe a Master rune onto a suit of armor or a weapon. A Master rune takes 4 hours to inscribe. You can do it faster with a successful TN 17 Cunning (Enchantment) test. Each degree of success from the Dragon Die reduces the time by 15 minutes.
Classes: Rogue
Requirements: You must have Dexterity (or Perception) 2 or higher.
You are skilled at the art of reconnaissance.
Novice: You can use the lay of the land to your advantage. If you fail a Dexterity (Stealth) test, you can re-roll it, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
Journeyman: You know how to get the drop on your enemies. You can perform the Seize the Initiative stunt and then immediately perform another combat stunt.
Master: You are a skilled observer. If you fail a Perception (Seeing) test, you can re-roll it, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
Single-Weapon Style
Classes: Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have Perception 2 or higher.
You can fight wielding only a single-handed melee weapon.
Novice: Fighting with a single weapon demands increased awareness. If you take the activate action, you gain a +1 Defense bonus until the end of the encounter while fighting in this style.
Journeyman: You can create a web of steel with but a single weapon. Your bonus to Defense increases to +2 while fighting in this style.
Master: You know how to fight several enemies at once. Opponents making melee attacks against you never gain a bonus on their attack rolls for outnumbering you.
Spirit Magic
Classes: Mage
Requirements: You need the Magic (Spirit) focus.
You have delved into the secrets of Spirit magic.
Novice: You can sense the mood of an intelligent being within 6 yards of you as a minor action. The GM must describe the mood in one word (angry, confused, or happy, for example).
Journeyman: Your knowledge of Spirit magic is deep. When you cast a Spirit spell, its cost in mana points is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1. You also gain one new Spirit spell.
Master: Your skill with Spirit magic is such that mana flows through you like a river. When you roll to regain mana points, you can choose to re-roll the dice but must keep the results of the second roll. You also gain one new Spirit spell.
Classes: Rogue
Requirements: You must have Dexterity 3 or higher.
What’s yours is yours and what’s theirs is yours too.
Novice: You don’t let locks stand in your way. If you fail a Dexterity (Lock Picking) test, you can re-roll it, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
Journeyman: You are familiar with many types of traps. If you fail a Dexterity (Traps) test, you can re-roll it, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
Master: You know how to find what’s hidden. If you fail a Perception (Searching) test, you can re-roll it, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
Thrown-Weapon Style
Classes: Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must be trained in the Axes Group, Light Blades Group, or Spears Group.
You are adept with throwing weapons.
Novice: Your accuracy is uncanny. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with throwing weapons.
Journeyman: You can ready a throwing weapon in an instant. You can reload a throwing weapon as a free action instead of a minor action.
Master: You know how to bypass your enemy’s armor. When you perform the Pierce Armor stunt, your damage is penetrating.
(That stunt normally halves your opponent’s armor rating, but
penetrating damage allows you to ignore it altogether.)
Trap Making
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have the Dexterity (Crafting) focus.
You’ve learned how to design and build devices to harm and ensnare your enemies. See The Technique of Traps in Chapter 4: Weapons, Armor, & Gear for details on how to use this talent.
Novice: You know how to set and disarm simple traps with up to 2d6 base damage and up to one additional effect. (You can choose a different additional effect for each trap you set.) You have a +1 bonus to understand the nature of traps set by others, and to disarm them.
Journeyman: You know how to set and disarm more dangerous and complex traps with up to 4d6 base damage and up to two additional effects each. You have a +2 bonus to understand the nature of traps set by others, and to disarm them.
Master: You know how to set and disarm fiendish and lethal traps with up to 6d6 base damage and as many additional effects as you wish. You have a +3 bonus to understand the nature of traps set by others, and to disarm them.
Two-Hander Style
Classes: Warrior
Requirements: You must have Strength 3 or higher and be trained in the Axes Group, Bludgeons Group, Heavy Blades Group, or Spears Group.
You are deadly with two-handed melee weapons.
Novice: The length of your weapon and the power of your attacks forces foes to yield ground. When you hit with a melee attack with a two-handed weapon, you can move the target 2 yards in any direction.
Journeyman: You can strike fearsome blows with your weapon. You can perform the Mighty Blow stunt and then immediately perform another combat stunt.
Master: You and your weapon are as one. When wielding a two-handed weapon, you can choose to re-roll your damage, but you must keep the results of the second roll.
Unarmed Style
Classes: Mage, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must be trained in the Brawling Group.
You know a thing or two about brawling.
Novice: Your hands are as tough as iron. When you attack
with your fist, you inflict 1d6 (HB: x1) damage instead of 1d3 (HB: x0.5).
Journeyman: Your punch can drop the toughest opponents. When you perform the Knock Prone stunt you gain +2 bonus on the attack instead of the usual +1 when attacking with your fist or a gauntlet.
Master: You can’t be disarmed, but the same can’t be said of your opponents. When performing the Disarm stunt, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll in the opposed test.
Weapon and Shield Style
Classes: Warrior
Requirements: You must have Strength 2 or higher.
You’ve been trained to fight with a single-handed melee
weapon and shield.
Novice: You can use shields of all shapes and sizes. You get
the full Defense bonus when using a shield.
Journeyman: You can perform the Defensive Stance stunt and then immediately perform another combat stunt.
Master: Opponents must work hard to get by your defenses. The shield bonus of any shield you use increases by 1.