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Character Backgrounds

Campaigns often decide where characters are going. What lies ahead. What trials they’ll face as their role as a hero expands. The future. Therefore things like character backgrounds are the most influential part in determining where they have been.

Character Abilities & Focus

Your character is defined by eight abilities: Communication, Constitution, Cunning, Dexterity, Magic, Perception, Strength, and Willpower. Taken together these abilities map out your character’s strengths and weaknesses.

Character Concept

When coming up with a character concept, remember that one of the conceits of the game is that your character begins as an unknown and struggling adventurer. You don’t get to start play as the crown prince or a senior enchanter. You have to earn your honors with deeds, and you can be sure there will be a price.


Combat Stunts Combat is more than two fighters taking turns whacking at each other. A good fight should be dynamic and feature a lot of movement and action. The rules described so far create a good framework but to that… Read More »Stunts


Classic Rules Two dice rolls; one for the attack, and one for damage Once you’ve hit an opponent, you then inflict damage. Yourdamage roll determines if you struck a telling blow or onethat was glancing and ineffectual. Armor is important… Read More »Damage

Weapon Groups

Axes Group (Strength) Weapon Classic Damage Homebrew Damage Minimum Strength Cost Battle Axe 2d6 x2 1 14sp Throwing Axe 1d6+2 x1 1 10sp Two-handed Axe 3d6 x3 3 20sp Bludgeons Group (Strength) Weapon Classic Damage Homebrew Damage Minimum Strength Cost… Read More »Weapon Groups