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Background: Avvar

The Avvar are a rugged human people who make their homes in the Frostback Mountains. In centuries past they
were one of the many barbarian tribes that lived in and around the Fereldan region.

Background: Antivan Wayfarer

Antiva is a coastal nation north of Ferelden and east of the Tevinter Imperium. While technically a monarchy, Antiva is really ruled by its merchant princes. It produces little of note but excellent wine, so trade is a way of life. Antiva is famous for its merchants and sailors, though it has little in the way of a warrior tradition.

Background: Apostate

In those nations outside the Tevinter Imperium (including Ferelden) during much of the history of Thedas, only the members of the Circle of Magi may legally practice magic. Those who defy the law are known as apostates.

Background: Ander Survivor

The Anderfels is a nation in the northwest of Thedas, distant and remote from Ferelden. It is the home of the Grey Wardens’ headquarters, Weisshaupt Fortress, and is the one nation in
which the Wardens retain an important political influence. No region of Thedas has paid a higher price for defeating the Blights.

Creating a Character

To play in a game of Dragon Age, you must first make a character. This is your alter ego in the land of Thedas, the persona you’ll be taking on as you experience exciting and perilous adventures. Since your character is the focus of your play experience, making the right character for you is quite important.

Character Goals & Ties

Before you jump into your first adventure, though, take a few minutes to think about your character’s goals and what ties you might have to other characters in the group.

Calculating Defense & Speed

There are two final numbers you need to calculate for your character: Defense and Speed. These determine how hard it is to hit your character and your characters quickness of foot.

Character Equipment

Player characters do not generally start their adventures with much to their names. In play your character will have a chance to get better equipment but must start with the basics. Think of better gear as something to aspire to.

Character Classes

If background is where you came from, class is what you’ve become. Classes are both mythic archetypes and frameworks
for your character’s advancement. You have your choice of three: mage, rogue, and warrior.

Character Backgrounds

Campaigns often decide where characters are going. What lies ahead. What trials they’ll face as their role as a hero expands. The future. Therefore things like character backgrounds are the most influential part in determining where they have been.