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Mike Ellis

The Dailies Planet and Bugle

Whether it’s newspapers, social media, podcasts, or anything in between, in the world of Absolute Overpower, the news is controlled by two rival conglomerates, the Daily Planet and the Daily Bugle. And like the two at the top of both, they could not be any more different.

Toymaster Tech

Black market tech is a dime a dozen, but if you want the best of the best, there’s only one place to go: Toymaster’s Toy Shop. Sure, there’s Stark and his shiny Slap-Chop armory, but when you need real tech support, Toymaster’s fleet of delivery drones have got you covered.

Phineas Fix-it

Phineas Mason—commonly referred to as “The Tinkerer”—is an infamous black market inventor, and well, Tinkerer. Between occasional stabs at villainy, Tinkerer runs Phineas Fix-It, a chop shop of sorts for Absolute Overpower’s tech heroes and villains alike. In addition, he runs the Fix-It Network, which connects inventors, arms dealers, and mad scientists with paying customers.

Midnight Suns

Something’s not right with the Vampire Nation. Someone spliced a piece of the Tree of Shadows and planted in Vamprysk. It’s engulfing the land in the horrors that beneath the supernatural darkness and someone has to stop it.


Magik is the spellsword to end all spellswords. She has a deep set of spells and magic at her disposal to rain down massive ranged damage before teleporting in close where she can berserker, using The Soulsword to lay down improved melee damage.


Befitting a Teen Titan, Starfire’s kit doesn’t yet fit a more specialized role instead spreading across many useful archetypes. She dips into a powerhouse frontline character with super-strength fueled melee powers, is a dangerous blaster with her energy bolts, and can offer an array of tactical buffs for her allies.


Firestorm is a blaster through and through. Unsurprisingly his kit is built around manipulating fire, which includes a handful of ways to blast enemies, and even go “supernova.” He can also manipulate fire into cages, shields, and spheres for some limited battlefield control. He also has improved accuracy and damage reduction. His powers are rounded out with intangibility and the ability to fly.

Mister Miracle

Mister Miracle’s kit is as slippery and elusive as he is. Mister Miracle is built to avoid combat much more than he is engaging in it. Whether it’s his godly powers of escapology, his ability to fly away using his Aero Discs, or simply blipping away or resisting incoming attacks, Mister Miracle is all about evasion over confrontation and often serves as a distraction on the battlefield.


Zatanna is the current Sorcerer Supreme of Absolute Overpower and has control over magic befitting the title. She has complete ownership over the Sorcery power set which gives her access to powerful blaster abilities battlefield control, and the ability to spread status effects. She’s also a talented illusionist, being able to create duplicate images and animated illusions. Deeper in her kit are teleportation powers befitting a stage magician.


An integral part of the Commander Overlay added to an Overpower game is Strongholds. They are a social hub, a place to spend XP, start research, investigate anomalies, find missions, etc.